Quality Chess Anand Files ( cartonata ) - Michiel Abeln

1 Review
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Michiel Abeln ne introduce in lumea nevazuta a strategiilor pe care le-au folosit Anand si echipele sale pentru a castiga trei campionate mondiale de sah consecutive.
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Durata de livrare: 24-48 ore

Cod Produs: CA-QC-067 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0771.07.35.89
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The Anand Files offers a detailed insight into the strategies Viswanathan Anand used to win three World Championship matches in a row. It takes the reader behind the scenes to show the inner workings of Team Anand, including pre-game planning and preparing opening novelties, some of which have yet to be used. Meticulously researched over several years, during which the author conducted numerous interviews with members of Team Anand, this book follows Anand and his team of seconds for his dramatic matches against Kramnik, Topalov and Gelfand. The reader will gain a deep understanding of how top chess players work on their game and deal with the stress of elite competition. Over a hundred colour photographs illustrate the story. Michiel Abeln is a FIDE Master from the Netherlands with extensive experience as a chess trainer and as a leadership coach in the corporate world. From the Foreword by Viswanathan Anand: "I love this book. The level of detail is fabulous, and as I read it I felt I was reliving the entire five-year period during which these three matches happened... This is the definitive book on those three matches."
Informatii conformitate produs

ISBN/ISSN: 9781784830670

Gen: Sah

Limba: Engleza

Editura: Quality Chess

Autor: Michiel Abeln

Anul aparitiei: 2019

Nr. pagini: 512

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Nad Petre,

O carte exceptionala atat din punct de vedere grafic dar mai ales din perspectiva materialului sahistic. Este o lectura extrem de placuta si cursiva. Partidele analizate sunt extrem de importante din punct de vedere teoretic. Cartea nu ne prezinta doar partidele campionului mondial Anand ci si partidele jucate pe aceleasi teme de
secondantii sai ( deasemenea jucatori de top mondial): Nielsen, Ganguly, Kasimdzhanov sau Wojtasek. 512 pagini pline de informatii utile pentru orice iubitor de sah. Trimiterea rapida si serviciile excelente ca de obicei din partea "Magazinului de sah".


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