Durata de livrare: 1
O noua editie a unei carti vesnic clasice !
Vestea buna despre finaluri este ca:
- exista relativ putine finaluri pe care trebuie sa le cunoasteti pe de rost
- odata ce cunoasteti aceste finaluri, asta e tot. Cunostinetele dobandite nu-si pierd valoarea in timp (cum se mai intampla la deschideri)
Vestea rea despre finaluri este ca, tot la fel, tehnica finalurilor la majoritatea jucatorilor este deficitara. Timpul de joc modern cu care se joaca azi in turnee fac ca lucrurile sa devina si mai rele: pur si simplu nu iti mai ramane timp suficient sa aprofundezi pozitia.
Jesus de la Villa demonteaza mitul ca teoria finalurilor este complexa si te invata sa- ti orientezi jocul catre o pozitie cu care esti familiarizat.
Aceasta carte contine doar acele finaluri care:
- apar cel mai frecvent
- sunt usor de invatat
- contin idei care sunt folositoare in pozitii mai dificile
Performantele tale se vor imbunatati dramatic deoarece aceasta carte iti aduce:
- reguli simple
- explicatii detaliate si pline de viata
- multe diagrame
- rezumate clare ale celor mai importante teme
- o multime de teste
Jesus de la Villa este un mare maestru nascut in Spania. El este un autor de succes si un renumit antrenor de sah. El a castigat de doua ori campionatul Spaniei.
Ce spun expertii despre aceasta carte?
Gary Walters Chess:
"If you really have no patience for endgames, at least read Jesus de la Villa's '100 Endgames You Must Know'."
Marsh Towers Chess Reviews:
"The greatest strength of the book: breaking things down into well- worded chunks of easily digestible information."
GM Matthew Sadler, former British Champion:
"There’s not much to say about it – you just have to buy it and read it ! De la Villa does a truly wonderful job of explaining useful endgames in a calm and measured manner that is clear enough for any strength of player to understand while still being interesting for stronger players. If you’ve never read an endgame book before, this is the one you should start with."
Elisabeth Vicary, USCF Online:
"[Former Women World Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk] said she had really enjoyed De la Villa's '100 Endgames You Must Know' and had made flashcards out of the 100 positions. One side of the card had the position, the solution was written out on the reverse, and she quizzed herself until she knew all 100."
ISBN/ISSN: 9789493257726
Gen: Sah
Limba: Engleza
Editura: New in Chess
Autor: Jesus de la Villa
Anul aparitiei: 2023
Nr. pagini: 284