New in chess Carte: The Fully- Fledged French - Viktor Moskalenko

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Timpul nu a stat in loc, si populara Aparare Franceza a cunoscut imbunatatiri, nu in ultimul rand datorita cartilor lui Moskalenko.
Marele Maestru ucrainean a continuat sa joace el insusi si sa faca cercetari in aria acestei deschideri.
Astfel, autorul a decis sa scrie o noua carte cu numeroase imbunatatiri, alternative, idei si ”arme” noi , care vor incanta si surprinde pe cititor.
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Durata de livrare: 24-48 ore

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Viktor Moskalenko’s bestselling books The Flexible French (2008) and The Even More Flexible French (2015) were hailed by reviewers from all over the world as eye-opening, full of new ideas, easy to read, sparkling, and inspirational.

Time has not stood still, and the popular French Defence has seen a lot of new developments, not in the last place thanks to Moskalenko’s books. The Ukrainian grandmaster himself has kept playing and researching his beloved chess opening and decided to write a new book with countless improvements, alternatives, new ideas and fresh weapons that will delight and surprise the reader.

As always, Moskalenko’s analysis is high-level, yet his touch is light and fresh. In his own inimitable style, he whets the reader’s appetite and shares his love for the French with gusto. The wealth of original and dynamic options in every main line proves that the French continues to be a highly intriguing defence that is very much alive.

The Fully-Fledged French is a typical Moskalenko book: practical, accessible, original, entertaining and inspiring.

Viktor Moskalenko (1960) is an International Grandmaster and a FIDE Senior Trainer. Other books by the former Ukrainian champion include Training with MoskaThe Fabulous Budapest Gambit, and An Attacking Repertoire for White.

ISBN/ISSN: 9789056919399

Gen: Sah

Limba: Engleza

Editura: New in Chess

Autor: Viktor Moskalenko

Anul aparitiei: 2021

Nr. pagini: 368

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