Quality Chess Carte : Playing 1.e4 - French Defence & Sicilian Sidelines - John Shaw

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In volumul al doilea din cele 3 volume, GM John Shaw explica varianta preferata contra apararii Franceze,varianta Tarrasch, si cateva variante mai rare din Apararea Siciliana. Carte trebuie complectata cu celelalte 2 volume, Playing 1.e4 - Caro-Kann, 1...e5 & Minor Lines, respectiv Playing 1.e4 - Sicilian Main Lines
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Durata de livrare: 24-48 ore

Cod Produs: CA-e4FD Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0771.07.35.89
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Developing an effective chess opening repertoire with 1.e4 requires extensive research, mixed with fine judgement and a good deal of creativity. In this, the second of three volumes, GM John Shaw turns the analytical spotlight on the French Defense, advocating his own favorite weapon for White, the Tarrasch Variation. The final part of the book begins the mammoth task of tackling the Sicilian Defense, by considering a number of rare but tricky options available to Black in this opening. Just like the previous volume in the series, this book is based upon a foundation of tried and tested main lines, boosted by a number of innovative suggestions that will cause no end of trouble to your opponents. The repertoire is completed by a third volume, which covers the main lines of the Sicilian. Review of the author's previous work: "A fantastic publication that is clearly the result of a tremendous amount of work by Shaw, for which he deserves immense credit."GM David Smerdon, ChessVibes, reviewing The King's Gambit

ISBN/ISSN: 9781784830700

Gen: Sah

Limba: Engleza

Editura: Quality Chess

Autor: John Shaw

Anul aparitiei: 2018

Nr. pagini: 384

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