Carte : Sicilian Structures - Part 1: Najdorf & Scheveningen - Herman Grooten

Thinkers Publishing
170,00 Lei
Jucătorilor de club le place să studieze deschiderile, deoarece există atât de mult material disponibil. Cu toate acestea, s-a demonstrat adesea că rezultatele nu se potrivesc cu cantitatea de studiu investită, deoarece în practică este mult mai greu să vă navigați în jurul unei deschideri atunci când adversarul se abate de la teorie. Acesta este motivul pentru care Herman tratează studiul deschiderilor într-un mod complet diferit. El se concentrează pe creșterea perspicacității. În această carte, el discută despre fundalul deschiderilor, oferă linii directoare și explică într-un mod instructiv și accesibil principiile de bază ale unei poziții.
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International Master Herman Grooten has over thirty-five years' experience as a professional chess trainer. Many of his pupils have gone on to become very strong players. The best known are grandmasters Loek van Wely, Robin Swinkels, Wouter Spoelman, Jan Werle and Benjamin Bok.

On a journalistic level he works at the popular As an author he has released several books, of which Chess Strategy for Club Players won Chesscafe.coms 'Book of the Year' award in 2009. A revised and extended version of this book was published in 2017. Its successor, Attacking Chess for Club Players, published in 2016, also received great acclaim.

Club players love to study openings as so much material is available. However, it has often been shown that results do not match the amount of study invested, as in practice it is much harder to navigate your way around an opening when the opponent deviates from theory. This is why Herman treats the study of openings in a completely different way. He focuses on increasing insight. In this book he discusses the backgrounds of openings, provides guidelines and explains in an instructive and accessible way the basic principles of a position.



004 Symbols and bibliography

005 Explanation of visual aids

006 Contents

007 Foreword

013 Chapter 1: Study of openings

019 Chapter 2: Background of the Sicilian

019 Section 2.1: Introduction

021 Section 2.2: Standard Tactics

048 Section 2.3: Typical Manoeuvres and Strategic Concepts

057 Section 2.4: The Origin of the Najdorf

066 Section 2.5: Fundamentals of the Scheveningen

069 Chapter 3: Model Games with the Najdorf

069 Section 3.1: Background of the Najdorf

070 Section 3.2: Variation Overview of the Najdorf

227 Chapter 4: Model Games with the Scheveningen

227 Section 4.1: Background of the Scheveningen

229 Section 4.2: Variation Overview of the Scheveningen

381 Chapter5: Exercises

386 Chapter6: Solutions

395 Game Index

ISBN/ISSN: 9789492510631

Gen: Sah

Limba: Engleza

Editura: Thinkers Publishing

Autor: Herman Grooten

Anul aparitiei: 2019

Nr. pagini: 400

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  • Sicilian Structures - Part 1: Najdorf & Scheveningen - extras

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