New in chess Carte : The Fabulous Budapest Gambit - New and Updated Edition - Viktor Moskalenko

2 Review-uri
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Gambitul Budapesta este foarte popular printre jucatorii de sah online. De ce? Pentru ca este extrem de usor de invatat si conduce jocul inca de la primele mutari spre pozitii cu joc taios si dinamic.
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Durata de livrare: 24-48 ore

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Cod Produs: CA-NIC-9053 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0771.07.35.89
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The Budapest Gambit is popular with club and internet chess players all over the world, and it is easy to see why. It has surprise value, it’s not hard to learn, and it leads to sharp and dynamic play from the very start of the game. But what about its strategic value?

When Grandmaster Viktor Moskalenko started playing the Budapest many years ago, its all-round appeal struck him, and since then he has won many games with it. This book contains quite a few of Moskalenko’s own games, as well as games by other star players from the past and the present. They illustrate perfectly the dynamic character of this gambit as well as its solid strategic foundations.

Moskalenko does not shower you with long computer-generated variations but clearly explains the plans for both White and Black.

This New Edition is completely reworked and fully updated from the original 2007 publication; it has been extended by 25% and contains new analysis, new games, new ideas and lots of novelties.


"I find this to be a model of an opening book."
Bill McGeary, ChessVille

"Well-structured and fun to read."
Lubos Kavalek, The Washington Post

"Another great virtue of the book: its comprehensiveness."
Dennis Monokroussos, ChessToday

Informatii conformitate produs

ISBN/ISSN: 9789056917487

Gen: Sah

Limba: Engleza

Editura: New in Chess

Autor: Viktor Moskalenko

Anul aparitiei: 2017

Nr. pagini: 288

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Radu Andriciuc,

Oferiți produse de calitate ( cum este în cazul de față această carte). Întocmirea comenzii este ușor de realizat iar trimiterea acesteia prin curier este rapidă ( maxim 2 zile). Mulțumesc pentru acest serviciu. Cu stimă. Andriciuc Radu


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sorin levay,

Este o carte foarte buna,variante si partide alese,exemple bune pt a juca cu negrul.


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